Downhole Sensor

Synchro-Smart Downhole Sensor

The submersible sensor provides the inputs to the Synchro-Smart™ intelligent control on well conditions and pump operations, enabling optimized production and system  operation monitoring.  Data transmission via the submersible cable, using power line coding-carrier-decoding technology, to the  Synchro-Smart™ Control and Communications cabinet provides real-time well data is used for closed-loop control of the dynamic fluid level.

ParameterRangeAccuracyResolving PowerE2E4E6E7
Inlet Pressure0-40 Mpa0.25%
Export Pressure0-40 Mpa0.25%
Inlet Temperature0-120° C1° C
0.1° C
Motor Temperature0-210° C1° C
0.1° C
Vibration Amplitude X-axis0-5 G
0.003 G
Vibration Amplitude Y-axis0-5 G
0.003 G
Leakage Current0-100 mA0.50%
1 µA